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Garena Free Fire Today redeem code working 100%


Free fire free diamonds{2500+}|Free fire free diamond today|Free fire unlimited diamond March

Last Updated on March 6, 2022 by ADARSH

Hello friends, how is your free fire gaming going? I know you are getting pro day by day. And chill, you have landed on the perfect website that meets your intent to get a free fire free diamond. You just go through every paragraph, and I assure you you you will get something new tricks to get free fire free diamonds. Let me start with an introduction

Proofs of free fire free diamond and free fire redeem codes March 2022

Proofs of free fire free diamonds

Proofs of free fire free diamonds

Full list of Free Fire India server redeem codes that were released in 2021

  1. XUW3FNK7AV8N - Custom Room Cards (2x)
  2. YXY3EGTLHGJX - Cupid SCAR (7d)
  3. FFBCT7P7N2P2 - Party Animal Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  4. FFPLNZUWMALS - Bonus 50 Points power-up
  5. FFBCJVGJJ6VP - Kpop Stardom Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  6. B6IYCTNH4PV3 - AUG Cyber Bounty Hunter (7d)
  7. W0JJAFV3TU5E - UMP Wilderness Hunter (7d)
  8. TJ57OSSDN5AP - Diamond Royale Vouchers (3x)
  9. FFBCLP5S98AW - Cosmic Bounty Hunter Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  10. FFICDCTSL5FT - Diamond Royale Voucher (1x)
  11. FFBCLY4LNC4B - Cosmic Bounty Hunter Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  12. FF10GCGXRNHY - Wasteland Surfboard and Pink Heaven Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  13. FFPLOWHANSMA - Triple Captain power up
  14. FFTILM659NZB - Surprise Fan Reward
  15. WLSGJXS5KFYR - AWM Duke Swallowtail (7d)
  16. SARG886AV5GR - Egg Day Banner, Egg Day Heapic avatar, Egghuter Loot Box (1x), Phantom Bear Bundle
  17. FFPLUED93XRT - Diamond Royale Voucher (1x) and Double Skull Surfboard
  18. 3IBBMSL7AK8G - The Age of Gold Bundle (7d)
  19. FFBCLQ6S7W25 - Weapon Royale Voucher (1x) and Bangladesh FacpainT
  20. FFBCZD9RDP44 - Kpp Stardom Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  21. FFBCLAK9KYGM - Cosmic Bounty Hunter Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  22. FFPLFMSJDKEL - Triple Captain power up
  23. R9UVPEYJOXZX - Weapon Royale Voucher (3x)
  24. FFPLPQXXENMS - Bonus 50 points power up
  25. FFICJGW9NKYT - Pickup Truck - Fancy Ride, Custom Room Card, Mag-7 Executioner, and FFIC Gold Token
  26. ESX24ADSGM4K - Leap of Faith Surfboard, Water Fest, Guitar Basher
  27. FFCO8BS5JW2D - Shake It Up Emote and Green Balloon Token (20x)
  28. FFBCAC836MAC - Kpop Stardom Weapon Loot Crate (1x)
  29. 4ST1ZTBE2RP9 - Street Boy Bundle (7d)
  30. X99TK56XDJ4X - Black Rose Rocker Bundle, M14 Killspark Shinobi Gun Skin, and Diamond Royale Vouchers (2x)
  31. FFAC2YXE6RF2 - Brave Crystal, Rare Crystal, Diamond Royale Vouchers (2x), and Weapon Royale Vouchers (2x)

Free Fire offers a rich variety of items like bundles, skins, weapons and much more. However, these items are usually quite expensive. Players can use Diamonds to buy most of the stuff, while one can also participate in different events to get some great rewards and more. You can buy diamonds using Google Play Cards or by spending money. However, everyone cannot afford to buy diamonds. In such case, you do not have to worry! The players can still get some of the bundles, skins, weapons etc for free through Free Fire Redeem Codes.

Free Fire redeem codes are released by Garena, most often during special live streams or occasionally on the game's social media handles. These codes consist of 12 Characters including letters and numbers. For players, the use of these codes is undoubtedly the easiest way to get free in-game items.


They can receive a wide variety of rewards by redeeming these codes, from basic items such as Diamond Royale and Weapon Royale vouchers, all the way up to characters, pets, and much more. The possibilities are endless. Players can win unlimited free rewards using Free Fire redeem codes. Latest Free Fire redeem codes can help players get their desired rewards.

The list of items are as follows:

Using Green Star tokens

Green star tokens (Image via Free Fire)

Players will get both 2x Diamond Royal Vouchers and 2x Weapon Royale Vouchers.

Using Brave tokens

Brave tokens (Image via Free Fire)

Users can only select one of the four options:

  1. Alvaro
  2. Kapella
  3. Hunter in the Sky parachute
  4. Speedster Bunny

Using Sky Crystal tokens

Sky Crystal (Image via Free Fire)

Only one of the four items will be available:

  1. AK47 – Pumpkin Flames
  2. Gloo Wall – Hysteria
  3. Chicken emote
  4. 3000x Universal

While the redeem code will be live for a few days, players are advised to use it up quickly




1) What are the various methods to generate Garena Free Fire Redeem Codes?


Free Fire redeem codes are released by the game's developers, and there is no way that the players can generate them. During specific collaborations, they might be able to generate one-time-use unique codes.


2) How to get unlimited FF redeem codes for Free Fire?


The redeem codes are released by Garena in limited numbers and can only be utilized by those in the intended server. Hence, there is no possible way to get unlimited redeem codes in Free Fire.

How to redeem Free Fire code today

Here is a step-by-step guide to redeem Free Fire codes


Step 1: First, you will be required to visit the Rewards Redemption site, as most codes can only be claimed through it. The link to navigate to the page has been given below:

Step 2: Once on the site, you must sign in to your Free Fire account via one of the following methods - Facebook, Google, VK, Twitter, Apple ID, or Huawei ID.


Step 3: After signing in, you should enter the code for your region.


Step 4: Press the confirm button. After the redemption is completed, the rewards will be sent to your account in less than 24 hours. These can be collected from the in-game mail section.

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